Ideas and experience are essential

KonMed has excellent specialist knowledge of the development and manufacturing of plastic components for medical technology. We support you in every phase of your project. Our profound knowledge of plastics engineering ensures that we focus on the appropriate choice of plastics and cost-effective production for construction right from the start.

As an external project manager we make our knowledge available to you even without realising the production ourselves.

The procedure is submitted in detail, reported in sub-stages and released by you.

KonMed expertise

  • Feasibility studies / concept evaluations
  • Development / construction of plastic components and modules
  • Design and development of fibre-reinforced, radiolucent components
  • Development of catheters and transluminal instruments
  • Development of minimal invasive instruments
  • Development of applicators for biomaterials
  • Support in the selection of materials and coatings
  • Substitution of metal with plastic solutions
  • Provision of prototypes and functional models
  • Risk analysis of production processes
  • Failure analysis of plastic components

